Thursday, February 01, 2007

01.02.07 this just in...

I passed all of my classes!



happy Ean

Oxford does everything weird. For example: all exams, papers, assignments, etc., are submitted anonymously with only your ID number listed. That way, no professors can show favouritism. They don't exactly do that in any other respect, so why they'd do that on tests, I don't know. Maybe in the 16th century? I think it really is a lot of rigmarole to go through for the minimal benefit of total anonymity, but whatever. It's Oxford. They do stuff weird here. If you don't like it, go to some modern University, something formed in the last 650 years. Oxford certainly won't give a shit. Another weirdness is exams, and you've read about them on my blog before. Not only do you have to wear a tuxedo, take 6 exams in 4 days, and write everything including Math problems in pen, but you don't get results for well over a month. That's because the exams are hand graded twice each, some get three reviews each, and some even get sent to other universities to insure that Oxford is up to the standards of the other big MBA schools. The real kicker about Oxford and exams is that after all the anonymity, your final course grades get posted on a big list on a wall where all of your classmates can see them. No shit. It's the only non-anonymous part of the whole assessment process! How fucked up is that? Let me tell you how fucked up:


...or at least, that's how Oxford seem to feel about it. :) I don't care, if I wanted to go to a school that made any sense in the 21 century, I'd be at the UW back in Seattle. Plus, I get to wear a cape.

In any event, I saw the list, and I have now officially passed all of my Michaelmas term classes. The classes were very hard, with a huge amount of information to digest, learn, and memorise in 8 short weeks. Especially since I was a newbie to most of the material. The tests were a nightmare... weeks of revision, followed by exam after exam, all awash in buckets full of anxiety. I was pretty stressed about these exam scores from December 14 until today, and as many of you know, I can be a fairly stressed individual... getting them off my mind feel really good. Exactly what scores I got is another thing, I get to check that out tomorrow. I really don't care one bit about the scores, as long as I get an MBA, learn a lot of cool stuff, and have a fun time, I'm psyched!


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Anonymous said...

E, congrats, that's great. But, I'd have preferred another story about food.

Anonymous said...

Thats super!!!

Anonymous said...

You are certainly positioning yourself well to be a respected alumni to represent the school.

jsm said...

Dude, that doesn't suck.

Anonymous said...