Tuesday, May 29, 2007

all day all night

This week has kind of sucked. I've been up all night writing papers every night since last Wednesday (including the weekend). Well, every night except one, and I'm not going into that. Today I got up at 5AM to write, and got home from group writing meetings at midnight. Then I wrote again until just now (1:30AM). I just finished a business plan review of a really really stupid company called "froghop", which was a dotcom era mobile outfit. The plan actually had the words "contrived serendipity" in it. That made me want to punch. And "vortal" ...that actually gave me the creeps. It reminded me of that super stupid time of the world where dotcoms were still the shit and every dickweek with a black turtleneck and a "smart drink" was a "genius" and bound to be a millionaire. Crazily, Froghop are still around (but doing something waaaay different than this stupid business plan says). I guess I can read a business plan now and analyse it from the the Sahlman's Fit model and Seidel's RACE model. Don't know what the RACE model is? That's RIGHT you don't because my professor Victor Seidel hasn't published it yet! Cutting edge academic Oxford sheeeeeeat, beeeeeeotch! Yeah well, Victor's a pretty cool guy, and I'm happy for his framework and everything, but it's really not that big of a deal. Just another one of those models you use to talk about stuff in business school. Who knows, maybe he'll be the next Michael Porter. Then it would be one of those models that everybody gets forced to use to talk about stuff in business school. :) Plus, it could be a whole lot worse: he could be making us buy his expensive book just so we could read about his framework (some profs actually do that). Instead, we get it in lecture notes. Maybe when he writes the book he'll start making MBAs do that, but I don't think so, because he really is a very nice guy. With a lot of damn degrees. Ok, so I am exhausted, I am sick of papers, and I have 2 more to write this week, and then I will get drunk on friday. Maybe thursday. And I am having one icy cold vodka right now. Because I'm icy cold cool vodka like that.

Picture 9.jpg

me at 1:30 AM

minor note: the blogger template I've been using for the last 3 months has dates built in. so I'm discontinuing the prefixing of entries with dates. like you care. but it's a big deal to me, I sort of feel like I've turned a corner. sometime ask me about how I like my coffee lids to line up.

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Anonymous said...

Blogger templates? and who cares about the dates or why should we?

Anonymous said...

"...Crazily, Froghop are still around "

I see from your grasp of the English language that you are:

1) not wearing a black turtleneck
2) not drinking a "smart" drink
3) experiencing ED at a much younger age than you should