Saturday, November 08, 2008

What do you read?

I was reading an article on MSNBC about Sarah Palin today that pointed out how Katie Couric had a minor comeback off the back of her Sarah Palin interview in which the candidate couldn't name the newspapers she reads.  The implication was that she actually didn't read newspapers.  I thought about this a while and thought to myself: man, that's pretty lame.  I read a lot of newspapers and magazines, and I'm not even running for public office... how does she expect to learn about what's going on in the world?  So, since I'm getting back to blogging, I thought I'd list off my current crop of regular reading

The funny part is that I almost never read actual newspapers!  They're messy and get my hands inky and unless I've got a leisurely solitary breakfast lined up, I just don't take the time to buy a physical paper.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back.