Wednesday, August 09, 2006

08.09.06 Packing It Up (in)

Wrapup Mode

The house closes tomorrow.  The couch has been sold.  We list the miata tomorrow.  The house is full of boxes.  I have exactly 21 days until I take a one way flight to my mid life adventure

There are a lot of things on my mind right now: glad to be out of the current fiasco at my old employer, enjoying the doing nothing lifestyle, sit down with granny and get the family tree stuff updated, have lunch/drinks/dinner/hangtime with as many people as I can, cancel/close/update all my US accounts and subscriptions and things, figure out how to get along well with mom for 2 weeks nonstop, sell cars/bed/stuff, will my hand cramp up writing papers at the examination castle, what did I forget already, I hope Reba likes Oxford, will I make friends there, where will I work after I graduate, and will there be time to go to Belgium before school starts as planned.  I imagine that the autopilotish nature of the final stages will simply pull me through all of these questions.


emptying house


Uncle Ean

I am now an uncle for the 5th time.  Reba’s sister just had her first child, Matthew.  He’s pretty cute for a little bologna loaf, I must admit.  This is the first grandchild for Reba’s folks, so it’s a big deal for them.  Barb (Reba’s mom) actually fainted in the hospital room, after all the action was over.  Reba’s sister looks like she got dosed with a morphine/ecstasy cocktail: she just keeps staring at the baby with this really dreamy look. 

Clean house 008

Matthew: the baby



Reba’s Sister: TOTALLY HIGH on the baby



Reba: contact babyhigh from sis


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Christopher said...

Woo hoo. Finding this blog is sure to make for lots of time killing while I tough it out at my boring job. Hell, maybe it'll help push me to get off my ass and do something more exciting! Best of luck to you.

ean said...

Hey Christopher, glad you enjoy it. Give my best regards to Wayne, NJ. -e

Anonymous said...

Where will you work after school? - duh

Anonymous said...

Alright - totally unrelated, but Grace and I were looking at pictures from Japan not too long ago and recalled the Uncle Ramen story. I really can't wait for the blog entry that tells the story of first shitty drunk Limey bastard that gets pissed off at your Yankee accent. Nor can I wait to come visit!