Friday, September 01, 2006

09.01.06 AHHHH!!!!!

I spent my first night in Oxford, walked around a lot, drank some beer, ate some Polish food, and squeaked around on my floor.  That last bit may require some clarification: my floor is squeaky, really squeaky.  It reminds me of this story my mom used to tell about a Japanese emperor (or maybe a shogun?) who intentionally had his palace built with squeaky floors so he could always hear people sneaking up on him.  NOBODY is going to sneak up on me in this new place.  When I get a second, I will take some pictures and post them, the view is pretty cool. 

Today I’m going to get a cell phone, drop some documents at Merton, and get a “lounge suit” which is apparently what English people call a two piece suit.  Maybe.  Anyway, I have to wear one in a few weeks at an event, and my “summer of party” has left me in the position of not fitting my suits too well.   (Josh, I hope you appreciate the free ammunition)

Mom comes out Monday, so I will be going back down to Heathrow to get her.  I think she’s really going to like it here, the Architecture and general vibe of Oxford are a real mind blower the first you see it.  I can’t wait to see her expression!  She’s really concerned about what to wear, I think she’s worried if she’ll stand out or appear under dressed.  The funny thing is that everyone here is dressed really casually, and they basically dress like people in Seattle do.  She’ll pick up on that soon enough.

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