Wednesday, April 19, 2006

04.18.06 St(ats) Helier

Stats: not blowing me away yet

My Business Stats 201 class is going slowly. I'm typing this out in class while I listen to the instructor go over basic probability stuff. This is about 35 times easier than the stuff we covered in the princeton review. Of course, that was a nightmare cram session, so maybe I should just be cool about this… it could be like last summer. Whatev, I still don't know how this is going to be after the class really gets started, so I should probably just shut up and appreciate the currently low level of difficulty.

St Helier

I wired off the first deposit of cash to my offshore account today… I hope that goes through. This money will be what we will use to secure an apartment when we go over in May. One more step into the next phase. Sending this money was a minor ordeal… you have to know a bunch of stuff about the transfer mechanism (Swift T100 or T103), routing and sorting numbers, and even the physical destination. Needless to say, St Helier isn't exactly in the standard set of known places buzzing around the head of your average wamu assistant branch manager, so I had to come back twice. I didn't mind this or having to sit there for a half hour each time though: the assistant manager who helped me was totally smokin' hot! :) In any event, we got the wire kicked off, whether it really makes it to the Esplanade HSBC in the little town of St Helier on the tiny island of Jersey is another matter entirely.

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