Monday, November 26, 2007

on our way home...

Just now I'm sitting at Heathrow waiting for a delayed flight (big surprise), reading Nikki Sixx's new biography, "The Heroin Diaries". That dude was a total mess, he makes Slash look pretty well balanced! In my defense, I've also just finished Lolita by Nabakov, so I feel I've earned some more cheap gross out rock and roll reading. :) Now, I'm off to my folks' place in Florida to relax for a couple of weeks and help my mom clean out the place before she sells it. After that it's Seattle for a few weeks and then Frank's wedding in Taiwan.

What a year this has been.

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1 comment:

Frank Bascio said...

We will keep your grandmother in our prayers..

Are you just now realizing that Josh is sick? very very sick...

a little over 30 days to go.. see you soon.