Monday, January 09, 2006

01.08.06 change in owner equity

This accounting stuff isn't killing me yet, but there are a few concepts that are not going into my head nicely and quietly, so I'm really glad I'm taking this class now! I'd hate to be struggling through these concepts next year while my academic overlords try to kill me with sheer volume of work. I'm actually finding accounting to be aesthetically pleasing in the same way programming is: when everything works out, i.e. the accounts balance, the program compiles, whatever... I feel this soothing sense of order (and a smug sense of superiority). That's a lot of S's. I'd probably get marks off for that in a paper. In any case, when things don't work out, and I'm beating my head against some idea... then it's not quite as satisfying. Although, I suppose that satisfaction in a completed task goes up some amount for every beat of the head against the [insert metaphor]. Tomorrow is the first day of asp .net class at the UW. I hope that doesn't kill me either. Since I set the whole thing up, I kind of get to call the shots with the instructor. I was on a conference call with him Friday, when he actually asked me how much work I wanted assigned outside of class! MY GOD!!!! For the first time in history, I actually got to decide how much homework the teacher would assign! For 2 seconds, I thought that I would tell him to go easy, because it would make things easy on me. Of course, I felt guilty about that and told him that this class needs to be challenging, and my people need to work for it... I also told him that each one gave me a personal commitment to do the reading and homework, and really work their asses off. So, I chumped out and basically told him to give us lots of homework. :) Oh well, we'll all be the better for it.

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