Saturday, May 30, 2009

mBabyTracker (mmm-bĕhbĕh-trakuh)

What is it?

There is a lot of downtime when you are on paternity leave. So, I took the opportunity to learn a bit about mobile software development. I started with wanting to write for the iphone, but quickly found out that I needed an iphone and a mac to do it correctly. So I settled for the blackberry, since Reba and I both have one.

What I came up with is: mBabyTracker. Predictably, this is a silly mobile and internet application that tracks things for our newborn baby Isabel. Specifically, it tracks her awake time, sleeping, pooping and eating.

Here's how it works:

1. baby does something, in this case: poop.

2. Reba opens mBabyTracker on her blackberry, clicks “baby poops” and then “submit”.

bbt1bbt2 bbt3 bbt4  

3. mBabyTracker sends the information up to my server at where it is stored in a database.

4. At any time she wants, she can go to and view a historical chart that shows when Isa was awake, asleep, eating or pooping.


5. Notice the new little brown star!


How did I build it?

For the blackberry development I used the RIM Blackberry JDE and handset simulators, and Java.  For the web server it’s good old Vbscript and T-SQL hosted by Gearhost, a nice cheap little hosting service I use.  The reports are displayed in a cool flash based charting tool called Fusion Widgets.  The whole thing was free, except for the hosting cost $20/month I was paying anyway, and the one time Blackberry cert registration, which was also $20.


Is this important?

NO!  There are lots of baby tracking websites out there: is a good one for example.  I just thought it would be fun to learn how to write stuff for the blackberry and Reba was having a hard time remembering how the baby’s sleeping pattern has been.

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