Monday, September 10, 2007


This is the last week of the MBA. We have a final, one week course in scenario planning using a big climate change convention as a case study. There are a lot of high end climate people speaking, and in true SBS style, it started at 10:00 AM Saturday morning, and runs straight through to Wednesday, all day every day. Then we have to give a presentation and submit one last paper. To be honest, I get a bit tired of the British/Euro tendency to preach on endlessly about climate change. It's a great opportunity for Brits, particularly academic Brits, to look down their noses at the US, India and China simultaneously, and the speakers at this conference take full advantage of this. As US climate change policy fits in neatly with pre-existing Brit/Euro negative perceptions of the current US regime and war, a full complement of opportunities to tut-tut are always at hand. To be clear: I agree that climate change is an issue, and that it needs to be addressed. But I do disagree with the way it's portrayed here: as if it were the only significant issue facing the world. Global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, war, religious radicalization, AIDS, poverty, Malaria, middle eastern instability, massive migration, Van Halen without Michael Anthony, etc., don't seem to warrant discussion. Certainly not on the level of "weighty" issues such as food miles and trans-Atlantic air travel carbon footprints! So, we get to hear about climate change over and over again. I suppose it's no worse than Americans' endless, myopic, dull debate on the 3 Gs of God ,Guns, and Gays (abortion, gun control and gay marriage). I also must concede that it may be better to be the brunt of English anti-American jokes (focusing around bad global behavior) than the brunt of English anti-French jokes (focusing on financial, military and organizational ineptitude)! The Italians even receive an occasional pot shot from time to time... generally the stereo type that gets thrown around is Italians as people who shout "mama-mia" (seriously, I'm not kidding) and wave their hands while participating in corruption and graft. It's totally absurd from a US perspective, but not really that uncommon or frowned upon here. This is the life in a foreign country that I chose though. To be honest, the odd bit of anti-Bush ribbing aside, I really am treated pretty darn kindly here.

As the last week wraps up, we've been out quite a bit socializing (big surprise). One event was the official WAGs (Wives and Girlfriends) dinner. This was a fancy get together that Katy whipped up for the cadre of girls who got to be close friends because their husbands were all at SBS this year. Husbands came along too... Reba and I, Gabe and Katy, Andrew and Claudia, Andy and Caroline, Barry and Laura. The night was a blast, starting with dinner at the Living Room rooftop patio, then on to Mal-Maisson's private dining room, and finally (of course) on to the nefarious Merton Street bar.


Gabe and Katy


Andrew, Barry, Laura, Andy, Claudia


Caroline, Barry, Claudia


Caroline and Barry and Barry's beard

There has also been a lot of going out to the Turf, The King's Arms, and the Oxford Retreat, all of which are becoming a bit melancholic as we get closer and closer to the end. I'm quite sad to go, but at the same time, totally f*cking sick of classes, papers, MBA study groups, etc. I'm really going to miss all my Oxford pals.


a late night at the Retreat with Tom, Reba and Pat


St Mary's on a night time walk home from the King's Arms

I'm also looking forward to the cool trips that Reba and I have planned: Turkey, Greece, Italy, France (with mom), Cedar Key, Seattle, Taiwan, and China. And, to be honest, after a year of not working, I'm getting antsy to get back to work again. I've been talking to recruiters a bit already last week, and I'm thinking it will feel good to finally have an income earning job again. Oh yes, and not to be outdone by Barry, I'm growing a scary beard.



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