Monday, October 22, 2007

byebye santorini


Today we leave our little island. The last two nights there were storms, and since our place is so exposed, we get a lot of whistling wind, and some water under the doors and windows. I noticed that each window in our house has a small drain on the sill... when the wind blows a bunch of rainwater under the poorly sealing wood shutters and windows, the water drains out. Apparently this place gets a lot of rain and wind in winter!


stormy view from the deck


Here's a brief except from the Too Much Information Department... every day, I take two little caplets of psyllium husk to help my system keep moving along. This is one of the many small joys of middle age! Psyllium as it turns out, is very good at absorbing any liquid. This is evidenced by the rather distinct flavor of "Boots Freshwood" that my daily dose has taken on since my aftershave decided to leak inside my toiletry bag. I now gulp down my daily caplets while holding my nose. Lovely.

Now we're off to Athens to stay in a swell hotel that Ana and Quinn introduced Reba to on her last trip there. Apparently it has a view of the Acropolis from the rooftop bar. Sounds like my kind of joint!

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