Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Roman Bird Shit

The patio of our 2nd floor apartment has a table that is protected by a large awning. I initially assumed that this was for the sun, but it may serve a dual purpose. Every night at dusk about 11 zillion swallows take to the air, I suppose in search of twilight loving bugs. When I say 11 zillion, I probably only mean several 10s of millions. In all seriousness, I have only every seen a similar cloud of flying creatures when the Mexican Spring Tailed Bats leave Carlsbad Cavern en mass to hunt at night, and there are about 12 million of them. The sky is filled with these little guys, flying in several different layers in different directions, all chirping their asses off. And, more importantly, shitting their brains out! This is where the awning comes in: as the cloud of little birdies flies over, a similar cloud flies downward, pelting the awning like a hailstorm. I was lucky enough to be underneath the awning during the deluge... ahh Rome.

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