Wednesday, October 03, 2007

the plan for this blog

I'm sure you've all noticed that at this point, I'm just writing about trips I'm taking and books I'm reading. This is because I'm done with the MBA program now. So, this blog will soon come to an end, though I've decided to keep writing until my formal graduation ceremony on November 3rd. I think that this way it will be more useful to future MBA students, folks curious about Oxford, etc. After that, I will start a new blog for interested friends and family, and I will continue writing about my little UK adventure there.

Until then, you can read about my recent trip to Istanbul.

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dr.carr said...

I just thought I'd write in to tell you that I found you online, researching your dad, and your dad's boat, "Warlock". Looks like my dad is going going to buy it...he put in an offer yesterday.
Funny thing about your death in the family is that that my father is a pilot, as well, (helicopters, mostly) and lost my mom in the space of about two minutes this last June at their house. He's still kind of "scooped out" inside, and is looking desperately for something to do with his hands/ time. He was married to her for forty years.
I raced one Duck Dodge on Warlock with your dad, he definitely let everyone know that there was a captain and he was it! I'll probably be doing Duck Dodges now, and whenever I do, know that your family and friends will be welcome (provided they bring beverages;) to sail on board, give tips to the new owner, and of course, reminisce about your pops. The boat will be at the same slip as before.
It's good to see you are "moving on". It's been tough losing a mom, and I can certainly relate to your family's loss. It's a good reminder for all of us to tell those that we love that we do, and do it often.
Jeez, I sound like a bleeding heart here. Anyway, good blog, sorry about your dad, and drink a tepid beer for me!

Unknown said...

no! say it ain't so! where will I get my MBA inspriation from?